Susan L. Farrell, Author

Would You Miss It?

dreamstime_xs_91972430In determining how I most want to spend my time, a question I have been asking myself is: “If I didn’t do it anymore, would I miss it?”  I have been coming up with some interesting answers.

There are some things that I quickly and easily know that I would miss.  Examples include spending time with family and friends (and cats), traveling, reading, writing, and many other things.

There are some things that I know I would not miss, but I would miss the results.  For example, if I never had to do house cleaning again, I would not miss it.  However, I would really miss not having a clean house, so I guess I’ll continue to clean house.

About a year ago I decided not to do speaking engagements to create more time for writing.  I found that I didn’t really miss it, even though I enjoyed doing it.  I think it might be because the time was filled with something I enjoyed even more, writing.

There is an association for which I have conducting training workshops for years.  I decided to reduce the number of sessions I did last year and to eliminate doing sessions this year.  The reason was to create more time for other things.  I was a little worried that I would miss it.  Although there are a few things I miss, such as the people, overall, I don’t miss it.  I think it’s mostly because I have filled the time with things I enjoy more.

Think of all the things you are doing.  Are there things that you could stop doing to create time for other things?  If you did stop doing these things, would you miss them?  If not, maybe it’s time to consider letting go of some of these things.


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